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2015 HLS Annual Users Meeting
 2015-07-01  Font Size:[ Large Medium Small ]

August 12-14, Hefei, Anhui, China

The annual HLS Users Meeting will be held on August 12-14, 2015 at Hefei, Anhui Province, P.R. China.
After the upgrading from 2012 to 2014, HLS now owns a fully upgraded soft X-ray synchrotron radiation facility with ten powerful endstations ready for users working at VUV and soft X-ray range.
The aim of the Users Meetings is to bring together again the user communities after the three year shutdown, and to generate new synergies among the scientists driven by common scientific interests. The meeting will consist of a plenary session with invited lectures as well as information about HLS and other synchrotron facilities in China on the first day. The second day is reserved for topical parallel workshops of a half or one day duration, including a workshop on the science opportunities as well as technical advances needed for the proposed Hefei Advanced Light Source. Poster sessions and a tour of HLS accomplish the conference program.
Looking forward to meeting you in Hefei.

Contact us:
Email: jiangf@ustc.edu.cn

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