【NSRL COLLOQUIUM】A Coherent Imaging XUV-FEL users end-station for the EuPRAXIA... | [2019-10-11] |
Principles, correct design, and perspective of Successive Self-Nucleation and An... | [2019-07-30] |
Structural Evolution of Reactive Species: femtosecond dynamics of cobalamins | [2019-07-15] |
In situ surface spectroscopy and microscopy of zirconia based model catalysts | [2019-06-03] |
Surface Action Spectroscopy with Inert Gas Messenger Atoms | [2019-05-08] |
Interface Engineering for 2D Phosphorene Based Optoelectronic Devie | [2019-04-15] |
Atomic-Layer Superconductors and Topological Insulators | [2019-03-28] |
Operando studies of working catalysts: Surface spectroscopy and microscopy | [2018-06-21] |
Nanoengineered Materials | [2018-04-12] |
Application of X-ray Crystal Optics to a variety of Science | [2018-04-12] |