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Approaching Solar Cell Efficiency Limits by Controlling Interfaces in Halide Perovskites
 2017-12-07  Font Size:[ Large Medium Small ]


Prof. Dr. David S. Ginger, Department of Chemistry, University of Washington


2017-12-08 09:00


3# 210 Meeting Room, National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory



Halide perovskites are currently of intense interest for solar energy and optoelectronic applications.  Although remarkable gains in performance have been demonstrated in the past few years, most current devices are limited by non-radiative recombination losses.  In this talk, Prof. Ginger will focus on uncovering and eliminating these loss processes. Experiments suggests that electrical heterogeneities in both the perovskite active layer, as well as the perovskite/electrode interface, affect carrier diffusion and non-radiative recombination processes within perovskite solar cells. He will describe both confocal and conductive atomic force microscopy (cAFM) to explore the role of heterogeneities and grain boundaries on lateral carrier transport, and will demonstrate varying degrees of grain boundary opacity to carrier transport depending on the structure. We will also discuss both ligand exchange and cation exchange experiments in the context of  tailoring the properties of halide perovskite thin films.


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