Ring versus chain formation in diverse surface reactions
 2018-01-29  Font Size:[ Large Medium Small ]


Dr. Qitang Fan, University Marburg, Germany


2018-02-01 16:00


3# 210 Meeting Room, National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory



Tailoring the topology of polymers has intrigued chemists for many  years, because a polymer’s macroscopic properties depend inherently on its nanoscopic topology. For instance, cyclic polymers bear significantly different characteristics compared to related linear (i.e., open-chain) molecules due to their specific “endless” topology, including higher density, lower intrinsic viscosity, and higher thermostability. To control over their topology, we have explored the formation of rings and chains in diverse organic reactions on metal surfaces. First, the 1’,3’-dibromo-azulene (DBAZ) has been employed to explore the organometallic ring-chain competition on both Cu(111) and Ag(111) surface. Second, by using Fe and Gd atoms as coordination center, monolayer of naphthalodinitrile on Ag(111) surface forms four-membered Fe-phthalocyanine and five-membered Gd-superphthalocyanine respectively. 


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