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Characterization of thin films by XAFS: application to spintronics materials
 2016-06-02  Font Size:[ Large Medium Small ]
 Speaker:  Prof. Steven Michael Heald, Advanced Photon Source, USA
 Time:  2016-5-27 10:45
 Place:  3# 210 Meeting Room, National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory
 Detail:  Education Record:
1972, University of Washington,Seattle WA– B. S. Physics
1973, University of Illinois, Urbana IL– M. S. Physics
1976, University of Illinois, Urbana IL– Ph. D. Physics

Research and Work Experience:
1972–1976,  Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant, University of Illinois, Designed and built a dilution refrigerator based x-ray diffraction cryostat.
1976–1979,  Research Associate, University of Washington, As a post-doc with Prof. Ed Stern, he participated in the development of the modern methods of EXAFS experimental and analytical techniques.
1979–1981, Assistant Physicist; 1981–1983, Associate Physicist; 1983–1993, Physicist; 1993received tenure, Brookhaven National Laboratory,
Oversee the development of the sector X-11 beamlines at the NSLS. design for beamline X-11A; Group leader of the surface and interface program in the Materials Science Department.
1993-2006, Staff Scientist V, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,
Technical lead for the PNC-CAT project; Led the construction of two beamlines at Sector 20 of the APS.
2006-present, Spectroscopy Group Leader, Senior Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory, APS
Spectroscopy Group Leader, X-ray Science Division.

Research Interests:
Improving the instrumentation for experiments (the engineering side of science), as well as applying advanced techniques to problems in materials and environmental science.

More than 210 refereed publications, 8 book chapters, and two patents. h-index 59, i10-index
 Organizer:  National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory

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