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Organic Radical Chemistry in the Atmosphere: A Playground for Physical Chemistry
 2014-12-03  Font Size:[ Large Medium Small ]
Speaker: Theodore S. Dibbl, Professor, State University of New York (USA)
Time: 2015-06-14 9:30
Place: 3# 210, National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory


Organic radical chemistry in the atmosphere drives formation of ozone and heavily influences the formation of organic aerosol. Both ozone and aerosol are major health concerns throughout the world. In order to understand how to minimize formation of ozone and aerosol it is necessary to understand the molecular-level mechanisms of atmospheric organic radicals. Gaining such an understanding requires insight from physical chemistry. In this talk I will present case studies of how theoretical and experimental physical chemistry has provided new insights that resolved apparent discrepancies or uncovered previously unknown chemistry. Most of the examples will be drawn from my work on alkoxy radicals and isoprene. I will try to point out areas where synchrotron photo-ionization mass spectrometry might be used to resolve current uncertainties in atmospheric chemistry.

Organizer: National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory

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