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How HLS-II extends energy into hard x-ray-SCW or Superbend?
 2014-12-03  Font Size:[ Large Medium Small ]
Speaker: Prof. Hiroyuki Oyanagi, KEK (Japan)
Time: 2015-05-26 14:30
Place: 3# 210, National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory


X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) of transition metals require the light source to cover the hard x-ray region below 13 keV, which is also required for hard x-ray photo-emission (HAD-PES) experiments. This talk will describe how the wavelength limitations inherent to low-energy storage rings are extended into shorter wavelength range. Based on a simple principle of the critical wavelength dependent on a magnetic field for given energy electrons, two possible schemes, i.e., superconducting wiggler (SCW) and superconducting bending magnet (SCBM, or superbend) are compared. As typical case studies, SCW at 1.4 GeV Saga-LS and SCBM at 1.2GeV AichSR are compared. A common feature is the use of a GM refrigerator to avoid liquid helium cryostat, paying attention to “Helium Schock” that may cast doubt to a stable supply beyond 2020. Possible schemes for HLS-II that would allow the energy upto 13 keV are presented for discussion of attendants. This work is supported by “High-end Foreign Experts Recruitment Program of China”.



H. Oyanagi, Who is he?
Former IXAS (1,263 members) Chair, current editor of the IXAS web and web journal (1.2M page views/year). Currently working at High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
March 1980 Ph. D., University of Tokyo
April ,1980 - March 1987 Researcher, Electrotecnical Laboratory(ETL)
April ,1987 - March 1992 Senior Researcher, ETL
April ,1992 – March1997 Chief of Exotic Matter Physics Section, ETL
April ,1997 - March 2000 Associate Director, Physical Science Division, ETL
April , 2000 –March 2015 Principal Research Scientist, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology (AIST)
Throughout the research period, he paid attention to “Structure and Functions”, and has worked in the field of synchrotron radiation, particularly, x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). He received the Science and Technology Director Award for complementary works in the field of thin films, semiconductors and high temperature superconductors. Specializing in beamlines and in-situ UHV surface studies. H.O. has worked also in international collaboration research with Italian and Chinese researchers team.
Current visit to NSRL/USTC is supported by “High-end Foreign Experts Recruitment Program of China”

Organizer: National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory

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