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Recent developments in soft x-ray micro spectroscopy and their application to soft matter
 2014-12-03  Font Size:[ Large Medium Small ]
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Rainer H. Fink, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany)
Time: 2015-04-13 10:00
Place: 3# 210, National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory


Soft x-rays are ideally suited to analyze soft materials. Near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS/XANES) serves as spectroscopic fingerprint in chemical analysis, also in multinary soft matter systems. Combining this specific advantage with spatially resolving techniques, we will be able to investigate specimens on the length scales close to the molecular level. Using zone-plate based icrospectroscopy with latest technologies, we were able to push this technique towards its ultimate resolution. The talk discusses some recent achievement in 2D and 3D scanning transmission x-ray microscopy and specific applications, ranging from material science to organic electronic devices. 


Dr. Fink is a professor in Physical Chemistry. He has a strong expertise in the development and use of ultimately resolving synchrotron radiation based x-ray microscopic techniques . He has developed various in-situ detection techniques to study the electronic properties of organic electronic devices with resolutions of few 10 nm. He has published more than 150 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Organizer: National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory

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