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The Hefei 2014 MSNano Meeting
 2014-05-13  Font Size:[ Large Medium Small ]



  1、MS theory of (e-,2-) - recovery of EELS

  2、Gathering the effort to model spectroscopies at European level:  The COST Action MP1306 EUSpec

Peter KRUGER (CHIBA): Proposal for a common data format

Wang-Sheng CHU (USTC): X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy on Nanomaterials

Hai-Feng ZHAO (IHEP): The REXS code within the MsSpec package

Ming-Hui SHANG (NINGBO): Theoretical study on photoelectron spectroscopy from molecular solid

Jun-Qing XU (USTC): An implementation of Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) in Multiple Scattering theory code

Chao WANG (USTC): Progress and Proposal about MSNano Website

Time: 2014-05-14   14:00
Place: 3# 210, National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory


The objective of this meeting is to present and discuss recent

advancements that have been made within the MSNano network. MSNano is a European FP7-IRSES network aiming at providing user's with codes to analyze their spectroscopic data within the multiple scattering framework. It is composed of 8 theory groups from

France: University of Rennes-1, Rennes

Germany: Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich

Italy: LNF-INFN, Frascati  
Czech Republic: Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague

Russia: South Federal University, Rostov-on-Don

India: Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani

China: University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei

Japan: Chiba University


Organizer: Universite de Rennes-1, France

Institut de Physique de Rennes, CNRS, France

National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (NSRL)


Website: www.msnano.org

Anyone who are interesting in it, would be warmly welcome!

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