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First experimental results from the TIMEX beamline at Fermi@ELETTRA FEL(2013-12-06)
 2013-12-06  Font Size:[ Large Medium Small ]


First experimental results from the TIMEX beamline at Fermi@ELETTRA FEL


R. Gunnella (Università di Camerino, UdR CNISM Dipartimento di Fisica, Via Madonna delle Carceri, 62032 Camerino , Italy)


2013-12-06  15:00

Location: 3# 210

FERMI@Elettra is a new operative free-electron-laser (FEL) facility, able to generate subpicosecond photon pulses of high intensity in the far ultraviolet and soft X-ray range (λ=100- 20 nm for the present FEL1 source, extended in future to 4 nm with the FEL2 source). Here I briefly describe the present status of the TIMEX end-station, devoted to perform experiments on condensed matter under extreme conditions. The potential for transmission, reflection, scattering, as well as pump-and-probe experiments is discussed taking into account that FEL pulses can heat thin samples up to the warm dense matter (WDM) regime. The calculated deposited energy in selected elemental films, including saturation effects, shows that homogeneous heating up to very high temperatures (1-10 eV for the electrons) can be easily reached with a significant tuning of the energy and focus of the soft x-ray pulses of FERMI@Elettra. The results of the first two tests on Ti metal thin films of the TIMEX end-station are also reported.

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